Its never too late to . . .

Sunday, 2 January 2011

2011, 2nd Jan

My cup overflows as I enter another year with promises ringing in my ears and high-spirits awaiting to raze to the ground any oncoming challenges.

I could not have got this spirit without my fellow travellers in the real as well as in the virtual world. I am glad that you are walking along with me, maybe ahead or behind or by my side. But the assurance that you are there somewhere strengthens me.

I thank the sacred for enveloping me and giving me the grace and courage to keep moving on. What more do I need.

Image: Internet


  1. A determined and forceful statement... and also one filled with optimism. It is with open minds and eyes and hearts that we can face the challenges that life throws at us... ever so gently... only to teach us. Here's to a new year filled with joy, dear Susan! :-)


  2. I'm excited too about what adventures 2011 holds. Happy New Year and wishing you the best throughout the year.

  3. For sure you no more, my dear friend.

    So here you were!!!So nice to find you wherever you blog,Susan!

  4. You NEED no more...I meant- sorry I found out too late

  5. Nevine:

    I see optimism as the ONLY way, dear Nevine.


    I love you my dear Dulce, always :)


    I wish you only the best and nothing but the best in 2011 and throughout.

    Joy always :)

  6. bright blessings to you Susan Deborah, one gentle step at a time.

  7. Laura:

    One step!

    Love your thoughts :)

    Joy always.
