Its never too late to . . .

Monday, 31 December 2012

31 December 2012

The last time I wrote an entry here, I was in another place. Thanks be to Almighty, we are now in a place that we are learning to love and enjoy. The last month especially has been a month of many changes - mental, spiritual and physical. I can sense that the Universe is hearing me out and trying its best to take care of me. Finally, I feel at peace with my surroundings and physical environment, which is very important for mental peace and serenity.

There have been difficult situations both online and offline but looking back it seems that they have passed on for good. The paths weren't easy and joyous always but we are still learning - leaning to make peace and plod on inspite of everything.

There have been sad events all around me but still I hope and have faith.

As I am on the threshold of 2013, I strive to be more aware and joyous.

Joy always.

Image: Internet