Its never too late to . . .

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

On the threshold of 2016

Another year, by God's grace will come to an end ushering in promises of hope and joy. Like every beginning holds promises of a better me, 2016 will be no different. 2015 has taught many invaluable lessons which will remain etched in my mind.

A student's passing on, a flood, a concert, . . . - 2015 sure was a mixed bag of emotions. It has not ended still but gratitude is nevertheless due for this year which over and over reminded me that I am not alone in this journey - my faith is always there to lean on. That I am more than a conqueror is being reiterated time and again and the reason is not because I overcame many pitfalls but that every pitfall reminds me to get up and move forward.

Cheers to new beginnings and unexpected changes!

The road ahead seems promising

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Glory to the Risen Lord

If he had been alive, he would have been 70.

I don't know how life would have been if he were alive, but I do know that life now is good by God's grace and love.

It is quite strange that we do not think or anticipate certain aspects of life but when it does happen, we are led in the most amazing manner. I have learnt to trust him for everything.

I may not be perfect but I am evolving and learning, sometimes the hard way.

Yes, he is risen for me and you. Easter promises are promises for life.

Growing . . .

Thursday, 1 January 2015


It feels wonderful to be able to step into a new year once again with love, hope and joy.