Its never too late to . . .

Tuesday 26 January 2010

26 Jan 2010

Today I am happy and grateful for:

* A long cherished dream is finally coming to pass
* I have lovely people around to make me feel happy
* I don't resent any thing that has not made me feel happy
* There is so much work and I feel resourceful
* R for always being there
* The lovely students from Queens with whom its fun and joy to be with
* Lovely food that was made by my mom
* Getting something when I needed it the most but never thought would come
* Being alive, healthy, happy and cheerful
* ME


  1. What a fantastic blog! I love your thoughts of gratitude..makes me think and that is what blogging is all about to me. I look forward to following on. Thanks for stopping by mine!

  2. Dear Jeanne:

    Thanks for coming by. I loved your blog as well. I appreciate the following.

    I am grateful.

    Joy and peace.
